Share Your Thoughts

What did OUT/LOOK mean to you?

We are collecting thoughts, memories, photos, news, drawings, first impressions and personal anecdotes about OUT/LOOK and OUTWrite.  We’d like to publish them on this website.

  • Were you an OUT/LOOK reader?
  • Did you write, draw, edit, fundraise or play any other role in the publishing of OUT/LOOK?
  • What slice of this history between 1988 and 1992 do you remember?
  • If you are encountering OUT/LOOK for the first time, what are your opinions and first impressions?

Help us reclaim this part of our queer history. Make your contribution to a new OUT/LOOK archive by filling out the form to the right. Someone will answer you by email soon.

Contribute to the OUT/LOOK archive 

Attach a photo or image file.

Link to hosted video, sound or image files (YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, etc.)

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Made possible in part by a grant from The Creative Work Fund, a program of the Walter and Elise Haas Fund that also is supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Also supported through UCSC by the Arts Research Institute, Arts Dean’s Fund for Excellence and Dickson Emeriti Professorship Award

    Follow OUT/LOOK

    Homepage Image Credit
    Queer Nation kiss-in at the cable car turnaround.
    © Rick Gerharter
    San Francisco, 1991.